Direct Resource and Indirect Resource belong to Resource group.
Resource is represented by an element that creates, nurtures, nourishes, and strengthens the Day Master.
They are the ones who analyze, think before they decide, like questions, they excel in the professions that need such talents, such as trade and engineering .., their negatives lies in that they are slow which makes them prone to losing opportunities.
They complain a lot, furthermore they have the tendency to micro-manage and be cautious. Useful to others with their ideas, and are considered good advisers. Unfortunately although they are beneficial for people, and offer them ideas to create their wealth, yet rarely for themselves.
Direct Resource belongs to Resource group.
It is the element that creates the Day Master but has an opposite polarity.
Direct Resource is like a mother that selflessly takes care of her children. In life, it presents itself to us through people, matters and locations that offer us or our Day Master support, protection, education, care and unconditional love.
The person is civilized, refined, kind and educated.
Direct Resource represents an individual’s origin, culture, family reputation, generally accepted conventional level of education or knowledge, social position, an individual`s ability to contribute to society by respecting social principles and personal manners.
Indirect Wealth
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Direct Wealth and Indirect Wealth belong to Wealth group.
Wealth Structure people tend to dominate and control everything in the house and husband / wife. They see themselves as the best in doing things, doers and always take the initiative.
They judge people on a permanent basis and chase them with mistakes, set goals for them, but they do not express their feelings. They want to excel, and therefore they are one of the most vulnerable people to stress for their nervousness.
They have a high sense of responsibility; everything must be planned and controlled.
Indirect Wealth belongs to Wealth group.
It is the element controlled by the Day Master but of the same polarity
Indirect wealth creates competitive wealth and represents real estate owned by a person or indirect, uncertain and variable sources of wealth. A person with indirect fortunes has a desire for control, judgment and supremacy, but he is not persistent and is less associated with losses and gains. They have a quick mind and find fast solutions and adjustments. Direct wealth as compared to indirect wealth is a more possessive and stable form, while indirect wealth is possessive, but with less persistence and openness.
Indirect wealth represents an adventure or making money through calculating and opportunism. A person earns from indirect sources of income. Someone who knows how to handle money. It also happens that a person is poor and becomes rich or a person with insight offers a new way of meeting certain needs. Great success and profits can be achieved through indirect wealth , with something unconventional or through gambling that can make a person rich overnight. A person likes to do more for himself than for others.
Direct Wealth
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Direct Wealth and Indirect Wealth belong to Wealth group.
Wealth Structure people tend to dominate and control everything in the house and husband / wife. They see themselves as the best in doing things, doers and always take the initiative.
They judge people on a permanent basis and chase them with mistakes, set goals for them, but they do not express their feelings. They want to excel, and therefore they are one of the most vulnerable people to stress for their nervousness.
They have a high sense of responsibility; everything must be planned and controlled.
Direct Wealth belongs to Wealth group.
It is the element controlled by the Day Master but has opposite polarity.
Direct Wealth has a control relationship with Day Mater which means that a person with Direct Wealth tends to dominate, control and excel. They emphasize sensual pleasures and have a strong sense of glory and success. They are drawn to things that benefit them. A person lives through an established system, and is ready to work hard to get a regular wage. Feeling safe is a priority.
Direct Wealth is a responsible, reliable, and respectable person with upright character and personality. Stick to traditional and reliable income sources. Everything in life has a certain price. The concept of wealth is related to the ability to control life's circumstances. Certainly, capable, diligent, persistent, decisive, and dignified people will gain more than the incapable and the lazy.